The right legal support and protection in the workplace is absolutely critical to ensuring that employees are treated fairly. If you feel that your employer is not honouring your rights or constantly pulling out the ‘power card’ to try to supress your voice, our legal advice is only a phone call away.
Unfair treatment at work, for example, has become a common issue in some UK offices, including unfair dismissals. Unfortunately, most employees just take their severance pay (in some cases, not even that) and look the other way, hoping to move on from the experience. However, unfair treatments at work also entitles you to legal action, particularly if you feel that you have been the victim of an unfair dismissal, in which case, you can make a claim.
Being bullied at work in any way does not mean that you cannot get the legal help you need. Our employment law solicitor is here to assist you, fully understanding your situation before advising you on the next steps. Workplace disputes may also establish grounds for an employment tribunal where you can hold your employer responsible in case of an unfair dismissal or unjust treatment at work.
Disciplinary action can sometimes taint and negatively impact your chances of getting employed. However, if you feel that the disciplinary action was uncalled for, you always have the right to appeal, in which case, our employment law solicitor would be happy to lay out all your options.
Either way, difficulties at work can be especially stressful, especially if your relationship with your employer is strained with frequent communication breakdowns. With our extensive knowledge in employment law, we will explain all your options in a clear, transparent and jargon-free manner, helping you plan the best route forward in your specific situation.